Wednesday 18 April 2012

Dire Wraiths

The Dire Wraiths were a race of evil alien shape-shifters from the Dark Nebula. They were a genetic offshoot of the Deviants on Earth and the extraterrestrial Skrulls.The females of their race specialized in the darkest of dark magic. Two hundred years ago the Galadorians defeated the Dire Wraith attempt to invade the "Golden Galaxy." The Wraiths then infiltrated Earth's population, disguised as human beings but were repulsed by the Galadorian Spaceknight, Rom and his Earth allies.

The males or Sciwraiths as they came to be known were highly advanced, creating the Drakillar battle fleet capable of warp drive and used against the Galadorian inhabitants of the “Golden Galaxy.” The Wraiths were also skilled in a form of bioengineering that crossed both sorcery and sciences, which they used to create the Hellhounds out of predators from various worlds. Female Wraiths generally rely on sorcery.

The Hellhounds were innocent creatures corrupted by the diabolical Wraith scientist Doctor Daedalus, into abominations of unnatural evil. While on the planet Earth the Dire Wraiths used their ”dark sorcery” to transform two Doberman Pinchers into Hellhounds telepathic trackers to assist then in locating Stephen Jackson of Clairton, West Virginia and the Galadorian Spaceknight, Rom. The Hellhounds had not been seen since the Spaceknights of Galador devised a mechanism capable of preventing the Black Sun within the Dark Nebula from radiating its mystical energies upon Wraithworld and empowering the Wraiths of their magic.

The Dire Wraiths are metamorphs, able to transform into virtually any shape. While they inherited this ability form their Skrull forebears, the Dark Nebula’s magical energies greatly enhanced it, allowing them to alter their mass to some extent (unlike their Skrull relatives); however, most Wraiths lost their shape-shifting ability when Wrathworld was neutralized.

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